Monday, April 13, 2009

Random Blog

This is a random blog. I'm currently watching the Phantom of the Opera on YouTube. I love this movie, like you don't even know. I didn't know who the Phantom was, so I googled up the movie information. The guy who acts as the Phantom is named Gerard Butler. I wondered what other movies he was in and apparently he was in P.S. I Love You and 300. I didn't know he was King Leonidas in 300 so I searched up his picture and I started laughing. I don't know why, but I found it amusing. Hahaha. I'll continue later.

I went to Jessica's house earlier today. We watched the movie "Crybaby" and ate ice cream. Yum! Lamp Post failed! Our plans for spring break haven't gone through. I've had a few friends that might not come through because they might choose to hang out with their significant other than friends. I don't understand why they can't just INCLUDE their significant others with us. -__- Anyway, I just wanted to put this out there that I hate how sometimes, friends would choose their significant others over their friends. I don't get it sometimes. I know you don't planning on marrying the person, or maybe you are, but dude...who the hell is going to be there for you in the end? Honestly, friends are going to be there for you in the end, am I right? So why do you neglect your friends when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? What, you can't balance it out? I just don't get it. Personally, I don't even do that. I know when to balance spending time with a significant other and friends. I usually put them together or have my friends' or girls' night out and then time alone with whomever my boyfriend is. SIGH! Friends are far more important in my life. I'm sorry but it's family, friends, and then significant others. I got priorities, man. I realized I have a few selfish friends. Bummer. Maybe if you read this, you'll understand the neglect you cause me to feel along with others. Maybe I'm the one that cares enough or just too much to actually notice. I should stop caring. I don't know. I hope you would one day get a chance to read any of my blogs and understand. :/

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