Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm so tired!

I'm bored. Let's see the recap of last week. Then I have some venting to do along the way. I forgot to put in that last Sunday was my bestfran's birthday. Happy Late Birthday Phong Ly Trinh! I forgot what I did that day. Hmm...I think I just stayed home and finished up all the homework for government. Monday, it was just like any other ordinary day, I believe. It was my cousin's birthday, so Happy Late Birthday, Richard (: I think he's 14 now. I know, I suck for not remembering exactly how old he is. I just know when I graduate, he'll start high school as soon as I start college. I had an ASB meeting during 4th period this week. I asked Luis to walk with me all the way to 4th so I could have someone to walk with to the Lion's Den. He was complaining so I was like "Ugh, whatever. Nevermind!" I left to my 4th without giving him a hug. I also went to the Valley Mall with Wendy & Angie to buy those 3 for $10 t-shirts. I went to WalMart to buy felt (fabric) and puffy paint (fabric paint) to draw and glue onto the shirts I was planning to make for Luis & I for Sadies. I spent a good 2 hours on making our shirts. I was planning to give it to him the next day. The next day, Tuesday, was maybe one of the crappiest days I had to face at school. I noticed how Luis was acting like an asshole to me for the past few days starting like, probably last week. I finally figured out why he was acting in such a way. Remember how I wrote about how I asked Luis to Sadies and I even offered that if another girl asks him to go to Sadies and he really wants to go with her, I'd be fine with it? Well, if another girl asked him, I expected him to tell me the week before Sadies or even the day of that she asked him that he wanted to go with her, but NO. Guess what the f*** he did. He decided to tell me the week OF Sadies. He decided to break the news to me during lunch Tuesday. which was just a few days ago. I was pissed off when he told me, but I kept my cool about it. He kept saying, "I really did appreciate all the work you went through to give me that poster and making the shirts. I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt you, I don't want you to hate me, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! blah blah blah!" and at one point I got really annoyed because he basically hurt me so much and tried pulling a fast one on me. Why the hell would you do that to me, seriously?! I hate getting f***ed over like that. I'm sick of his s***. I got mad and I started bringing an old issue from Winter Ball up. I told him, "This is EXACTLY what you were going to do with Miranda at Winter Ball. You were going to ditch her and be my date to Winter Ball instead. Now you're doing the same thing you did to her, but with me for Sadies." He stayed quiet. He apologized and kept saying "I didn't want to hurt you" and "I really did want to go with you blah blah blah." I said, "You tell me that you really did want to go with me, but you didn't want to go with me ENOUGH to even STAY my date. This is exactly what you were about to do to Miranda. You were going to tell her that you wanted to be my date to Winter Ball instead of her but I told you to stay her date because friends come before someone you 'liked' " and he just kept quiet for the longest. I'm sure he was pissed off by this time. He kept repeating, "I didn't want to hurt you, I'm sorry." I said, "You've hurt me before, I'll get over it. Besides, me hurting, what does it matter to you?" and this just made the whole situation worse. I told him I would be fine and I'll end up staying home. He got mad and asked me "Are you seriously asking me that question? You don't think I feel like s*** that I'm hurting you?" I said, "Of course I know you feel like s***. Seems like you didn't care enough." He said, "Wow I can't believe you'd even ask that." This is when he storms off like a little drama queen when I wasn't even FINISHED speaking to him. He got his stuff and walked to one of the baseball stats girls. I was like "WTF, dude?" I got my stuff and walked towards the lunch tables to talk to Jerry. As soon as I came to him, I started crying. I was so angry that I teared up. I told the girls what had happened and they all got pissed off at him. They're like, "What a jerk, why would he do such a thing? He's so immature. The least he could've done was go with you if he respected you" or something along these lines. Since then, he hasn't spoken to me one bit. We stopped walking to class together. He doesn't speak to me AT all when we're all hanging out at lunch together. He basically has a stick up his butt. On Wednesday, I figured everything would blow over, but someone still had a stick up their a**. I walked by myself to 4th period and Ms. Chang stopped me and said "Come here, give me a hug." I was like "WTF?" in my head. She told me that if it'll make me feel better, she'd cancel Sadies just for me and I just laughed. I asked her how did she know about my whole situation and she told me that she had ears. I was like.."WOW.." I asked her to take me out of 4th period b/c I didn't really want to go. Apparently I found out that someone came to her and another teacher-like person to figure out what to do about this Sadies situation. All I'm thinking to myself is "Why didn't you come to me the day that the girl asked you that you wanted to go with her instead? I would've been totally fine with it and I wouldn't be pissed off like this." I didn't go to 5th period either because I was helping with something for Renaissance. Anyway, continuing on. Wednesday, we had Open House. A Cappella had 2 hours of practice after school and it was quite tiring. David Price came to get his guest pass for Sadies. Yes, I ended up going to Sadies as you can see. Thursday, we had rehearsal for Renaissance. Wendy, Angie, and I went to go put up posters for seniors in the auditorium. I'm sorry to say this, but the senior dance sucked real bad. Everyone else did really well. Friday was the Renaissance assembly. I had to come to school at 6am, but I came at like 6:30. We blew up balloons and did a run-through. I was one of the runners where I went to go grab students that were receiving awards during both assemblies. I went to Ms. Crum's, Mr. Salas', Mrs. Bernthal's, Mr. Maher's, Mr. Kovac's, and Ms. Miyamoto's class. I wore that cute shirt I made that said "I'M FUNSIZED AND A CUTAYYY<3." The Renaissance assemblies went pretty well. I had to start A Cappella off for the Alma Mater. I didn't go to 3rd period because we were just going to review for the test. During 4th period, we did presentations of our posters. During lunch, Buddha's banda came and I wasn't exactly in the dancing mood, so we all chilled standing in the sun, trying to keep warm. During 5th period, we had our first presentation of the Hamlet project we were doing. It was funny and done pretty well. During 6th period, I believe we went to Taco Bell and ate and discussed prom matters. I went home and took a long nap. I woke up at 5 and got ready for Sadies. I went to Kathy's house around 6:45pm. I went to Joanna's after. We all headed out to Sadies along with Anthony and Alex. I had to wait for David Price to come because birthday boy was taking foreverrrrr. Unfortunately, I came at the same time Luis was coming with that one girl. I got into the dance and started dancing with Joanna and such. Then I danced with David of course. The whole night, I just found it really funny how EVERYWHERE I went or danced at, I'd see Luis and his date within my sight. I mean, at first, her and her little friend were dancing near me, like at least a feet away and I'm just thinking to myself, "Did he tell them to do this or did she do this on her own? Nah..he's not stupid enough to do so..or is he?" Then Luis and her started dancing right in front of me by 5 feet away where I'm able to see them. I'm like, "Are you trying to make me jealous or something? I don't get it." I didn't want to dance in the back, so I moved everyone up to the front because that's always our area at the dances. Joanna was always in front of me so I didn't see Luis in my view which was a good thing because I wanted to have fun and I didn't want ANYTHING to ruin my night. I just find it weird how when I left to the snack bar and as I left, he walked right in. As I got onto the dance floor, so did he. As I sat down, he'd sit down, too. It was either a coincidence or yeah. You get what I'm sayin'? It was just weird, but whatever. I didn't let it phase me. I was having the time of my life except for when I half-fainted when I jumped off the hay. I got a bit dizzy when I landed and I fell on my butt onto the hay. I didn't dance for maybe an hour of the dance? I'm not exactly sure, but yeah. Everyone thought I was under the influence of either alcohol or drugs afterwards, but I was totally fine. I got home around 11:30pm. The next day, I woke up at 9:45 and I was excited because some of the girls and I were going to go Prom Dress Window Shopping in the Fashion District in LA. Tina came over and then we walked to Wendy R.'s house. We rolled out to pick up Lola and then head to Angie's. We went to go say bye to Wendy's cousin. I bought "Hormigas" from the ice cream truck. I haven't had those in SO long! LA was fun. It was a very tiring walk. I found my prom dress! The only problem is, it's $200! I need to figure out a way to find that money. Someone give me ideas! After LA, we went to go eat Lamp Post pizza. I broke my LampPost virginity. The pizza was pretty good, yet extremely greasy. After I came home, I fell asleep at 7pm and woke up the next morning at 7am. I had 12 hours of sleep and it felt so good. I woke up and didn't go to temple because I had to do homework and laundry. I didn't sleep until 11 last night. Today was just like any other ordinary Monday. I went to school, forgetting to bring my ASB attire. I'm sad because 4 of our choir members are ineligible and can't go on our trip to New York, but we spent all day fighting it and we're not about to give up. I'll vent about this later on. Tomorrow will officially be a week since what's his face has spoken to me. I think back and I feel like I miss it, but then again, I think back about why should I even care when I was being mature about everything and someone got all dramatic about it. Ugh! One more day until we go to New York. I'm not so excited. I don't have any money to spend ): I haven't even started packing. I'm going to vent tomorrow in a blog about this whole Luis issue and this whole New York issue. I'm getting ready to knock the f*** out. Good night! <3

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