Monday, February 16, 2009

Last Night

Last night, the "lunch crew" I hang out with decided to have a little bonfire at Wendy Ochoa's house. Miranda stopped by to pick me up and we rolled out to Wendy's casa. No one was there yet and they were hungry so we decided to walk to Omana's to get some food. I had no money. ): We walked back to Wendy's house and Jovani, Lolita, Chacon, Griselda, and David were already waiting outside. We all sat around and talked while we were trying to figure out how to get the fire started. Griselda amuses me very much. I love that girl, haha. We had the music going and Jio(Jovani) kept requesting techno. Wendy Ochoa only had one Benny Benassi song on ther iPod. ): Griselda made a playlist and everyone laughed at the songs she chose, so I made a different playlist. Luis came by with his mother and aunt because they were going to go buy stuff. I came out to say "Hello." to them. I had 5 bucks in freakin' QUARTERS. I had to give them all to Chacon because he was nice enough to pay for me as I paid him in change to pitch in for the stuff. (: Wendy Ochoa went to go buy those burning logs since the wooden sticks we had before wouldn't burn for crap. Luis came back with things and we all waited until everyone came back. We were discussing about random things while we waited for everyone. Lolita was playing soccer. Luis and Jio went to go get a bag of ice with Griselda's O.G. car and it broke down half way. It was hilarious, let me tell ya! After we came back, I plugged in Luis' iPod because Wendy needs to update her iPod. :D Someone pissed my "cutayyyyy" off and I hate it when he gets like that. -__- That is why he had to leave early. We all chilled around the fire and started talking about random things. It was pretty fun while it lasted. I felt sick after a while and I was texting cutayyyyy at the time. He told me if I needed a ride home, just call him. I told him to stop by and pick me up already because I felt really sick. He came speeding to the rescue. (: I needed to pee really bad, so we stopped by CVS, but they were closed. We drove to King Taco instead. Wootwoot! We chilled for a bit until he felt like I was okay to go home. Thanks a bunch, sweetie<333 ! We texted as soon as he got home so he'd made sure I got in okay and so on. I fell asleep in the middle of our texts, unfortunately. I was so out of it last night. I fell onto a box. LOL. I'm okay now. I woke up at around 9:30ish? I'm not so sure. I don't really feel like doing homework at the moment, but I have to. I love these online blog journals. They're so fun. I'm a bit sad because the signal to my DirecTV is being searched for. ): *teartear. It was an okay weekend. Now it's time to catch up on my school work. I'm a bit sad. Unfortunately, I got rejected from CSULB. It's okay, though, because I didn't really want to go to that school anyway. I'm scared for the UC letters. ): I already know UCLA isn't going to take me. I hope UCSD and UCI accepts me, though. Well, I'm off for now. I'll be back in a bit. Phantastic OUT!

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